// https://github.com/dankogai/js-base64 (function(global){"use strict";var _Base64=global.Base64;var version="2.1.9";var buffer;if(typeof module!=="undefined"&&module.exports){try{buffer=require("buffer").Buffer}catch(err){}}var b64chars="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/";var b64tab=function(bin){var t={};for(var i=0,l=bin.length;i>>6)+fromCharCode(128|cc&63):fromCharCode(224|cc>>>12&15)+fromCharCode(128|cc>>>6&63)+fromCharCode(128|cc&63)}else{var cc=65536+(c.charCodeAt(0)-55296)*1024+(c.charCodeAt(1)-56320);return fromCharCode(240|cc>>>18&7)+fromCharCode(128|cc>>>12&63)+fromCharCode(128|cc>>>6&63)+fromCharCode(128|cc&63)}};var re_utob=/[\uD800-\uDBFF][\uDC00-\uDFFFF]|[^\x00-\x7F]/g;var utob=function(u){return u.replace(re_utob,cb_utob)};var cb_encode=function(ccc){var padlen=[0,2,1][ccc.length%3],ord=ccc.charCodeAt(0)<<16|(ccc.length>1?ccc.charCodeAt(1):0)<<8|(ccc.length>2?ccc.charCodeAt(2):0),chars=[b64chars.charAt(ord>>>18),b64chars.charAt(ord>>>12&63),padlen>=2?"=":b64chars.charAt(ord>>>6&63),padlen>=1?"=":b64chars.charAt(ord&63)];return chars.join("")};var btoa=global.btoa?function(b){return global.btoa(b)}:function(b){return b.replace(/[\s\S]{1,3}/g,cb_encode)};var _encode=buffer?function(u){return(u.constructor===buffer.constructor?u:new buffer(u)).toString("base64")}:function(u){return btoa(utob(u))};var encode=function(u,urisafe){return!urisafe?_encode(String(u)):_encode(String(u)).replace(/[+\/]/g,function(m0){return m0=="+"?"-":"_"}).replace(/=/g,"")};var encodeURI=function(u){return encode(u,true)};var re_btou=new RegExp(["[脌-脽][聙-驴]","[脿-茂][聙-驴]{2}","[冒-梅][聙-驴]{3}"].join("|"),"g");var cb_btou=function(cccc){switch(cccc.length){case 4:var cp=(7&cccc.charCodeAt(0))<<18|(63&cccc.charCodeAt(1))<<12|(63&cccc.charCodeAt(2))<<6|63&cccc.charCodeAt(3),offset=cp-65536;return fromCharCode((offset>>>10)+55296)+fromCharCode((offset&1023)+56320);case 3:return fromCharCode((15&cccc.charCodeAt(0))<<12|(63&cccc.charCodeAt(1))<<6|63&cccc.charCodeAt(2));default:return fromCharCode((31&cccc.charCodeAt(0))<<6|63&cccc.charCodeAt(1))}};var btou=function(b){return b.replace(re_btou,cb_btou)};var cb_decode=function(cccc){var len=cccc.length,padlen=len%4,n=(len>0?b64tab[cccc.charAt(0)]<<18:0)|(len>1?b64tab[cccc.charAt(1)]<<12:0)|(len>2?b64tab[cccc.charAt(2)]<<6:0)|(len>3?b64tab[cccc.charAt(3)]:0),chars=[fromCharCode(n>>>16),fromCharCode(n>>>8&255),fromCharCode(n&255)];chars.length-=[0,0,2,1][padlen];return chars.join("")};var atob=global.atob?function(a){return global.atob(a)}:function(a){return a.replace(/[\s\S]{1,4}/g,cb_decode)};var _decode=buffer?function(a){return(a.constructor===buffer.constructor?a:new buffer(a,"base64")).toString()}:function(a){return btou(atob(a))};var decode=function(a){return _decode(String(a).replace(/[-_]/g,function(m0){return m0=="-"?"+":"/"}).replace(/[^A-Za-z0-9\+\/]/g,""))};var noConflict=function(){var Base64=global.Base64;global.Base64=_Base64;return Base64};global.Base64={VERSION:version,atob:atob,btoa:btoa,fromBase64:decode,toBase64:encode,utob:utob,encode:encode,encodeURI:encodeURI,btou:btou,decode:decode,noConflict:noConflict};if(typeof Object.defineProperty==="function"){var noEnum=function(v){return{value:v,enumerable:false,writable:true,configurable:true}};global.Base64.extendString=function(){Object.defineProperty(String.prototype,"fromBase64",noEnum(function(){return decode(this)}));Object.defineProperty(String.prototype,"toBase64",noEnum(function(urisafe){return encode(this,urisafe)}));Object.defineProperty(String.prototype,"toBase64URI",noEnum(function(){return encode(this,true)}))}}if(global["Meteor"]){Base64=global.Base64}})(this); 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// 20px offset more for margin. /* If there's the navbar-fixed-top element, minus it's height. */ if($('.navbar-fixed-top').size()) { topOffset = topOffset - parseInt($('.navbar-fixed-top').height()); } /* Scroll to the error field and foucus it. */ $(document).scrollTop(topOffset); firstErrorField.focus(); } if($.isFunction(callback)) return callback(response); }, /* When error occers, alert the response text, status and error. */ error: function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) { $.enableForm(formID); if(textStatus == 'timeout') { bootbox.alert(v.lang.timeout); return false; } bootbox.alert(v.lang.errorThrown + '
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